Bethlehem's Sunday School attendance continues to grow each year! From September to May, children attend Sunday School following the morning worship service until 11 am.
Our Sunday School teachers come prepared every Sunday to teach the smallest members of the church the lessons that are taught in church. These lesson plans teach children various bible stories and also teach about the grace and love of Jesus and how we can follow his teachings to lead a life more centered around Jesus.
Each year on "Rally Day" in early September, our LWML members present our 3rd graders with their personal study bible to kick off the Sunday School year. Our Sunday School students also perform a Christmas program on Christmas Eve evening that tells the story of the birth of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.
If you are visiting our church and would like to send your child/children to Sunday School, any of our members can direct you and your children to the appropriate classroom following the worship service. If you are interested in enrolling your child in the Sunday School program here at Bethlehem Lutheran Church, please contact our Sunday School Superintendent, Tricia Nordling, at 320-492-4589.